Wilderness Lakes MaxDepth is conducting a long-term study of atmospheric deposition using dilute lakes in the Oregon and Washington Cascades as atmospheric collectors. The study, initiated in 2004, consists of annual water quality monitoring combined with a detailed assessment of the phytoplankton, zooplankton, and morphometry. All of the lakes in the study are sampled annually in conjunction with the Forest Service. For each lake, sediment cores will be collected to reconstruct changes in the lakes (if any) and bathymetry will be collected to enable MaxDepth scientists to model the response of the lakes to possible changes in the composition of atmospheric deposition.
Lake Notasha, Oregon Lake Notasha was first sampled by EPA during the Western Lake Survey in 1985 and was subsequently studied by Eilers because of the dilute nature of the lake. Scout Lake, Oregon
Scout Lake is located at the base of Mt. Jefferson in the Willamette National Forest. Summit Lake, Washington Summit Lake is located in the Washington Cascades, north of Mt. Rainier. The lake was previously studied by Eilers et al. (while with E&S Environmental Chemistry). Foehn Lake Foehn Lake is located in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in the Washington Cascades.
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MaxDepth Aquatics, Inc.