MaxDepth Aquatics, Inc. 


Home Up Model Projects

Water Quality Modeling

Water quality modeling is an important tool in water quality assessment and restoration efforts. MaxDepth Aquatics and its affiliates have experience in several water quality models for a variety of applications including stream water quality assessment with QUAL2e, lake and reservoir water quality assessment with CE-QUAL-W2, watershed modeling with SWAT, and groundwater modeling with MODFLOW. MaxDepth Aquatics can handle all phases of monitoring design for modeling application, acquisition of required data including bathymetry, database documentation, and modeling and interpretation.

QUAL2e – MaxDepth staff have applied this model on the lower Deschutes River for the assessment of the effects of benthos on river water quality and are currently applying this model on a river in the Klamath Basin.

CE-QUAL-W2 -- MaxDepth staff are currently applying this model on a reservoir on the North Umpqua River and Diamond Lake. We are also involved in primary data collection of SOD and bathymetry on a portion of the Klamath system for application of the "W2" model. (example)

SWAT – MaxDepth Aquatics staff and its affiliates have applied this watershed model to the Tenmile Lake watershed on the Oregon coast (Eilers et al. In Review) and recently completed an application of SWAT to agricultural watersheds in Iowa (Vache et al. 2002). We are currently involved in the application of SWAT to another watershed in the Klamath Basin.

MODFLOW -- MaxDepth through one of its affiliates has begun a major application of this groundwater flow model to a portion of the Klamath Basin.



Copyright © 2003 MaxDepth Aquatics, Inc.
Last modified: February 23, 2006